Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Inspiration Overload

Last night I had a huge burst of artistic inspiration. I came up with two ideas I would like to incorporate into my final project.

 I was playing Texas hold em with some friends, we were using lighters instead of money. These are some pictures I took. I would like to use lighters like this in my statue. I think it would be cool to have some color in the shadow.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rethinking Idea

Although I have gotten some film of Donald that I like. I can't think of a creative way to project the film. Also I don't want to work with projectors with my second project. I would like to work with lights. I am thinking I would like to do something with Christmas lights.

Possibly imitate Yochai Matos. I really like his works. He is an artist from Tel Aviv who works mainly with florescent lights.  I would like to create a piece like his but use different lights then he does. He uses florescent lights, maybe I could use christmas lights or some other cheaper alternative.

I also really like the idea of playing shadows. Maybe I could imitate Kellis Landrum's work. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

2nd Attempt to film Donald

This time I out smarted the mini bunny and closed him in my kitchen with cushions too tall for him to jump over. I got a 10 minute clip of him and a 40sec clip before my camera died.  Its hard to get a good recording of him because he moved so much but there are sections of the 10 minute clip I really like. Maybe I will record him a bunch of times and then edit what I like out.  Then combine the good parts

First attempt to film Donald

Day One- filming Donald. I decided to film him in my kitchen because it has a white floor, white walls and is square shaped. I attempted to block off the sides that go into my living room and cabinet area. It was hard to contain Donald. I spent the majority of the first day chasing him around my apartment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2nd Project Idea

Filming Donald (mini bunny)

I want it to appear that Donald is running around the black box floor. After